S-92 Census

Latest Report Shows Robust Demand for S-92 Rotorcraft

Announcing the results of the latest ‘S-92 Census’ at the Sikorsky Appraisers Breakfast at HAI Heli Expo in Anaheim, Air & Sea Analytics highlighted that the latest data (as of December 2019) show robust demand for the S-92 with 164 units active during the month.

Director Steve Robertson remarked “The S-92 market has been subject to arbitary speculation for years. The purpose of this analysis is to provide an objective, data-driven, independent view and to evaluate the demand-side (i.e. the number of units flying) rather than cover the supply side (fleet). Demand for the S-92 is holding steady and is level year-on-year. However, at least three units are currently being reactivated, one decommissioned, which should bring usage to a net growth position very soon.”

The ‘S-92 Fleet Census’ report, available now via Air & Sea Analytics, evaluates S-92 usage by country and operator, showing the current position vs one year prior. A unit-by-unit breakdown is provided by serial number showing location and status.

S-92 Fleet Status Dec 2019 vs Dec 2018 by Operator

S-92 Fleet Status Dec 2019 vs Dec 2018 by Operator

Whilst the overall picture suggests a calm, steady state for the fleet, much like a duck on water there has been some energetic paddling going on beneath the surface. Upstream activity is moving towards exploration and development in key frontier areas such as deepwater Mexico and Guyana. S-92s have been moved by operators from mature areas such as Australia into these growing hotspots of activity.

The UK has the largest fleet of S-92s in-situ, with 44 present at the time of writing. Over the past 12 months it has seen, on average, the highest demand for S-92 rotorcraft. Demand in the North Sea is seasonal, however, and as of December 2019 36 of these aircraft were active with the same number active in Norway. The USA was the third-largest demand centre with 24 units working during the same month.

From an operator perspective there has also been dramatic movements in the data - CHC has seen the largest increase in S-92 units flying over this period with an additional six flying, conversely Babcock MCS has six fewer units flying and has returned four to lessors in the last six months.

Newly-delivered super-medium units are seemingly finding work in the market and the overall total number of heavy and super-medium units working has increased year-on-year from 202 to 210 units. 

For more information please contact us or click on the report cover to the right.

Heavy & Super Medium Fleet Status Dec 2019 vs Dec 2018

Heavy & Super Medium Fleet Status Dec 2019 vs Dec 2018